This video is hilarious! I don’t think that my kitties would sit still long enough to let me wrap them up like a Christmas present… let alone put a bow on top of their heads, LOL!
Uploaded by Velita Livingston on October 24, 2012 at 8:43 pm
Thanks! Share it with your friends!
This video is hilarious! I don’t think that my kitties would sit still long enough to let me wrap them up like a Christmas present… let alone put a bow on top of their heads, LOL!
This cat reminds me of a cat we had when I was little. He alsow had the most patient! I could put him in my dolls clotes and drive him around in a wagon like a baby. and he would let me do it for a good half an hour before just getting up and hide til he felt he could stad me again… xD
righttt….because you can totally fake this video
There’s no need to be so rude. You shut your freaking face.
I was kidding. If I really ment it my comment would have been a whole lot longer. But you didn’t know that because you don’t know me.
The cat’s old and nice.
this is obviously fake.
I have one cat who MIGHT let me wrap her up half way before wanting to run away in shock and horror that her human is doing strange things to her but my other one…I think I will end up being clawed to death just because of my stupidity in thinking I could wrap her up. XD
But yes, this was totally adorable.
hahah love the “save the paper”
Aww that was cute
How to wrap a cat was found( ´ ▽ ` )ノAnd think,she is a wise cat!
1:20 – Cat’s thinking: My dignity has officially gone. I would so love to get a cat for christmas.
LOL that was TOOO cute! Thanks for sharing.
I want a Flippy for Christmas
lol too funny..loved it..the cat was very cooperative…love to cuddle him
That cat is amazing! My cat would kill me, if i tried that…
What a good cat!
He just forgotted the safe word.
What a tolerant kitty!
If i would try that with my cat, he would probably end up wrapping me up.
That has to be the most patient cat EVER!
I want that cat
lol not one single fuck was given
The wrapping was purrfect :3
This video will never stop being awesome.
Yuirr why do U make a big problem out of nothing? is it some kind of addiction with U because that cat look’s not very scared at all. Also please don’t show your racist because you’ll probably regret it. It’s really rude man. Think about other people’s feelings when you say that.
Seriously, go screw yourself.
Learn how to have respect with people that only want to protect animals.
And yes, that cat is happy. Just muslims are happy to be abused by american soldiers everyday.
I am all against animal abuse but this isn’t abuse. The cat is happy and surely that is what is most important. If you watch any other FlippyCat videos you can see that this was a VERY well treated cat. I am not even going to bother replying to you anymore but I am sure other will agree.
Haha, you make apology for animal abuse and I need help?
Seriously, get a life and stop hatting on who is trying to protect the pets.
And you’re a terrorist.
So I’m a terrorist now? You need help man. Seriously.
fuck off
Yes, like a rape victim builds a bond with his rapist.
If you can’t fight abuse, you have to accept it.
It’s clear the cat doesn’t like it. Stop being such a terrorist.
By the way you are gonna get a lot of shit about insulting muslims.