Two Talking Cats Who Can’t Seem To Get Along

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These two talking cats obviously can’t seem to get along very well… let alone try and learn to share. Check this video out for yourself to see who wins the final battle at the end!


KillJoy356 says:

Pmsl!!!!!! xD

jcbsbambie says:

that was so funny i nearly peed myself

mewtoo007 says:

Black cat: if I…. If I put my paw…

Fluffy cat: NAAAAAAA!!!!!

billyflynn2 says:

Look at my tail I am not happy..

Ellisassassinscreed says:


Susieapp says:

No matter how many times I watch this, I always fall over laughing.  This is the funniest video ever!!!

Jack Dovahkiin says:

This is my favourite one out of all of slurpyJ videos

Donnie Blake says:

Lol cute my kitten slaps my face every time im on the PS3

Nanda Kumar says:


ladycaruso says:

<3 I can't be the only one who sees this as the sequel to Cat vs. Printer. (lol somebody put this in the comments already i bet but whatever.)

patricia woldemichael says:

too funny man you need to make more 

SuperGrimalkin says:

Love your videos!! Keep ‘em comin’!!

Shaaanerrr says:

Oh, so you watched the video too!?

owllover10000991 says:

” Its taken me all day to get this running, so u touch it, i will kil u I will scream, NAAAWW! Yes I wil do this, I wil scream all day! U see – AWWWW! I tell you I will carry on screamin, MOM! I can cause I said so! No you don’t need to! No you don’t need – I will break yur paw, and I will break yur face off. Yu’re not sharin’ though! No yu’re windin’ me up. Look at my tail im not happy. If you move your paw i wil kil u! NE NE NE MOOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Pendragonthegreat says:


MultiJaelen says:


MobiusBandwidth says:


skwirrlmaster says:

Your voiceover is so fucking annoying I can’t even watch this.

kittykatBflat says:

you’re wounding me up lol

amh7777777 says:


shea thomas says:

Looka’h my tail’im not happeh xD

sarahthesinger121212 says:

Go  SIS !!!!!!!!!!!!

sarahthesinger121212 says:

DAMN i DIDN”T KNOW SHE WROTE THIS but shes right so it does suck

jcbsbambie says:

I will scream NAAAAAAA like that all day yeah !!! Aha lmfao too funny xxx if u thought this was bad u need 2 go get stuffed this was sick boi !!! Xxx

109367 says:


MissOrthodox says:

“no, you don’t need to”

TwinkleKat106 says:


john marston says:

is anyone hearing the cat growling at 0:34?

john marston says:

the black cat is really annoying the other cat on the computer XD he does not care or listen XD

Dino Saur says:


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