[talking cat video] Videos

Watch N2 the Talking Cat in his latest “Super Hero Cat” music video. This song will stick in your head and you’ll catch yourself humming it all day! I’m a Super Hero Cat, coming to the rescue… LOL! Visit N2′s official site at www.n2thetalkingcat.com.

Watch N2 the Talking Cat in his much anticipated “Preppy Cat” music video. Check it out… as he shows us his dance moves in this funny cat video! Visit N2′s official site at www.n2thetalkingcat.com.

Check out this funny video of “Sylvester” the talking (choking) cat. This kitty gets caught off guard mid-conversation when he has a hairball attack… weird, but funny!!

Watch this funny cat video from the same guys who brought you An Engineer’s Guide To Cats. This video is a reenactment of the opening coconut scene from “Monty Python and the Holy Grail” except with cats!!

Jupiter the talking cat gives his confession… did Jupiter or Kona eat the fish? Watch this hilarious video and find out just who did it?

Watch as Jupiter the talking cat gets his catnip fix. Although it appears that sometimes too much of a good thing can’t be all that good… LOL!

This is one of the funniest cat videos ever. This cat has been a real bad kitty, so he’s got a lot to pray about. This will definitely make you laugh, check it out and enjoy!

This is one of my favorite funny cat videos. This copier cat technician is having a seriously bad day. Watch this video and enjoy a good laugh!

These two talking cats obviously can’t seem to get along very well… let alone try and learn to share. Check this video out for yourself to see who wins the final battle at the end!

Listen to Jupiter, the talking cat, answer some of the many questions you may have about cats and their many secrets. Watch and see… I think the answers may surprise you!!

This talking cat seems to be telling us something… but what? “Oh my dog, Oh Long Johnson, Oh Don Piano, why I eyes ya, all the live long day”! It’s a riddle we may never solve!?


Jupiter the talking cat lets his owner know just how he feels. I wish my cats could talk… on second thought maybe that wouldn’t be such a good idea after all!!