Jupiter the talking cat gives his confession… did Jupiter or Kona eat the fish? Watch this hilarious video and find out just who did it?
Uploaded by Velita Livingston on November 19, 2012 at 2:51 pm
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Jupiter the talking cat gives his confession… did Jupiter or Kona eat the fish? Watch this hilarious video and find out just who did it?
Told ya he ate em
Our cat likes The Prisoner too.
Did you poop in my shoe? Yuuuup
Kona is a kung fu genius secretly.
Lol the ironic part is my cat just ppd in my shoe and yesterday he ate my fish Bob!!! Lol is that ironic? Or is that not the right word? Idk bai!!!!!
U know whats funny? Really? Oh… Me neither!! XD
you know, i kinda had a last hope for mankind thing going on before i read the comments…. buuuuuut i think we can all agree that that idea was quite naive.
sorry i kind of thought you were seriously that stupid for a sec
i tried to trick him dude… dont you know what a troll is?
did ya look in your shoe dis morning its noy chocolate ya know LOL:D
no its edited so that the humans voice matches up with their meowing. Animals obviously cant talk
theyre really talking i just messaged the people who uploaded this video and they said its real
Owner: Did you poop in my shoe?
Jupiter: Yeap
Did Jupiter poop in the shoe? Find out. Right now!
Person: did you poop in my shoe?
Jupiter: yeahhh!
me too
i bet they can really talk but we can’t understand it
I think he should have no treats for a week
yes, dude he’s the only talking cat in the damn history of time.
r u a guy or a girl? cause the other cat said “what is SHE talking about” in the previous video.
“I don’t think he should have treats for a week.” “You shut up.” *SMACK* XD
OMG, I couldn’t be that dumb if I tried.
did u poop in my shoe? yup!
Same here, although I do know that Jupiter’s owner can usually get him to ‘say’ stuff on cue… It’s still amazing though, with how perfect the timing is.
Intenese Drama
what i would like to know is how its always on cue
the video is private
Lol that cat is so funny
awesome videos
Alright who pooped in my shoe?!?!?
no start to a thrilling new trilogy. jupiter admitted to the poo poo.
Do they relly talk or you talking for the cats