Jupiter the talking cat lets his owner know just how he feels. I wish my cats could talk… on second thought maybe that wouldn’t be such a good idea after all!!
Uploaded by Velita Livingston on October 29, 2012 at 11:18 pm
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Jupiter the talking cat lets his owner know just how he feels. I wish my cats could talk… on second thought maybe that wouldn’t be such a good idea after all!!
This is brilliant!! Very well done!! The sighs and perfect timing…out of over 10 million hits, I account for at least 5,000… How long does it take you to figure out what to do/say for a voice-over??
so how do you make the cat talk? do you use a program if so what is it? and no i aint trying to be a jerk i really like to know how you do it?
Thanks to Rude tube
Did you chop off some poor ladies Feet and glued them to yours -Takes a phone-
yep. and the guy sticks his finger up the cats ass when he wants its mouth open!
how do you make those
Nothiiinnnnng! xD
a woman is filming and a guy is doing the voiceover, thats all the mystery LOL
Male voice with painted toe nails
He probably had a dream cloud of him smashing your head.
If u like this u should watch something I found called Halloween!
Whoops, alright, no need to be so arsey!
Umm, wrong. Look in the description. -.-
im gay. pm me
How do u what gender it is
Guy who’s talking must be gay… he’s painted his toe nails!!
god damn so much idiotic people over here saying: BLABLABLA TOES BLABALBLA… ASSHOLES
You’d better not put this on YouTube
your cat look like my cat name casper! and he has a lot of nicknames for him
Birds do it funnier – see youtube.com watch?v=hut6XO4Wbjc .
When the cat says ”nothing”, I hear the same tone as ”Koffing!”
that sucks the next vid is privite
Haha amazing
0:35 “You’d better not put this on youtube”
Does, snowbirdy6 always supply videos of Jupiter?
type in “cat does massive fart” for a jokes video 2 million views and still underrated
You are so dumb
Have you ever heard of ‘video editing software’?
Goering painted his toe nails too. And Goering was a war hero . Nuff said .
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U better not put this on YouTube lol
Read the description -.-
Jocker ?
That’s a female foot
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“Leave me alone”. That’s exactly what my cat says to me.