This is what I would call a catatonic kitty! This funny cat is perfectly healthy and not on drugs, but appears to be catching some serious ZZZ’s!!
Uploaded by Velita Livingston on October 29, 2012 at 4:41 pm
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This is what I would call a catatonic kitty! This funny cat is perfectly healthy and not on drugs, but appears to be catching some serious ZZZ’s!!
Tats sweet can i have ur cat and u can have mine lol
its garfield brother afther 3 lasagnas
The catnip wore off.
mommy fluffys dead lol
LMAO!! What the fuck is wrong with this cat?!
Omg, freaking classic hahaha.
That’s why you don’t grow valerian in your garden when you have a cat. They are all effin alcoholics!
The fuck is that !
Hangover 3 :Sleeping Pussies
he either looks like Butthead from Beavis and butthead or an naruto. Ps…. i think hes dead
If my cat did that I’d think she was dead!
2 much catnip last night
hey kitty! where have you been last night?
it is 6:14am, and im fuckin laughing out loud at your comment xD
Chinese food brought me here..
cat nip is a gateway drug to (special K) Ketamine and it seems this cat has a pretty good stash some were
Ppl need to see the end of the vid that cats not dead
ahhhh yes i’ve seen this before….the term for this condition is called DEAD
Should have baught the $1000000 kitty life insurance :/
He’s asleep! That’s what mom told me anyway!
Are you sure the cat isn’t having some kind of seizures? My cat has seizures and it’s common in cats, and the whole tongue hanging out, etc., that is not normal.
This is what catnip does to your cat derp
is she drunk ?????????
I don’t know man meth is a hell of a drug .
LOL, looks like your cat got knocked out in a fight. XD
RIP in peace cat
my stoumach going to blow
Never pass out when there’s markers about. >;3
Go home cat. You’re drunk.
I think it’s dead.
esse gato ae foi atropelado
is he dead?
sleepiest cat ever
good one
cats dead
Naw – he’s no drug addict. His battery ran down.
hangover cat
I laughed so hard oh my gosh my stomach hurts!!! Your cat is awesome!
sorry to be the bringer of bad news but your cat OD’d.