We love Maru the cat… and this video compilation reminds us just why we do! This is some of the best Maru videos of 2010, watch and enjoy!
Uploaded by Velita Livingston on November 17, 2012 at 1:27 pm
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We love Maru the cat… and this video compilation reminds us just why we do! This is some of the best Maru videos of 2010, watch and enjoy!
0:10 to 0:19 I’m currently awaiting the CD
im sooooo in love
1:05 the best scene ever
At 2.00 up. Maru The Stalker!!!! RMOF
Those 218 dislikers will sadly never, ever,be happy
Maru rules!!!
The most beautiful and smart cat in the world. I love Maru!! ^_._^
how is this cat so awesome
At 1:04 I had to stop the video cause I started laughing so hard!
what a cuteeeee cat! I just want to jump into the screen and hug him so badly
0:45 “Help?” =/
Walt Disney said, “Put a kitten on a kitchen floor with a ball of yarn, then just sit back and watch. That kitten will come up with more cute ideas in five minutes than a ‘gag man’ will in a lifetime.”
1:28 is in a totally comfy position and 2:15 is epic face palm… Maybe maru is having a hangover??…
私は3.11 東日本大震災の復興支援活動に従事しておりました。
1:28 soo adorable!!!!!
wait is maru the ninja cat?????????????
i like this cat
Looool I Died Laughing when Maru fell from the bunny bag
a very nice house for a japanese
Большое спасибо за прекрасные ролики! Мару, этот СУПЕР-кот, для меня стал лучшим лекарством, от которого не бывает ни аллергии, ни побочных эффектов. Только позитив и отличное настроение! Вы очень добрые люди! Еще раз спасибо, что поделились таким чудом!!!
my cat always makes out with my hand
1:24 XD hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
You have a great cat!!!
…always a good pick-me-up!
Thanks Maru!!!!
217 died from an overdose of cuteness.
This is my favorite video of Maru.
i died laughing when he jumped out of the box
0:51 kitty cat speed bag
2:10 – reminds me of puss in boots.
and he/she looks soooo fluffy!