Watch this amazing video of “MJ” the cat and his owner riding around the streets of Philadelphia together on his bike. I can’t even get my cat to sit still while I’m taking him for a car ride… so this seems pretty incredible!
Uploaded by Velita Livingston on October 29, 2012 at 4:41 pm
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Watch this amazing video of “MJ” the cat and his owner riding around the streets of Philadelphia together on his bike. I can’t even get my cat to sit still while I’m taking him for a car ride… so this seems pretty incredible!
AWWW DUDE I WANT A CAT to go bike riding with!!!
Looks like you’re totes companions. Awesome duo!
I love this!! MJ is awesome!!! X
mort de rire !
le chat a l’air d’aimer ça !
quand même quelques questions , il tombe jamais le chat ? et les coups de griffes dans le dos ?
bon je sais je sors ^^
I meant to say cat
AWSUM, UR cast rocks,u can see it in his face he likes it, keep rollin
かわいい! Cute!
I think he likes riding on your shoulders
I love this !!!
So cute
lovely cat and tache
교감이 부럽다*^^*
Yesterday my girlfriend told me she is tired n sleeping, after sometime my friend called me that she is enjoying with a guy.I went there and caught her red handed with that guy on bed.I was very angry .that bitch told me she dont want me anymore.after what all i have done for her she dumped? me for this guy.So in order to take revenge I have posted all her nude pics and her video. visit: bit.lygf-revenge , her Facebook Profile facebookcomannie.gracia.357
an helmet for him? lol
This is so cool and I love your cat!
but where is he driving to?
my #1 favorite now
that’s a cool a cool band.nice vid.
I just vomited a rainbow…
Just saw y’all’s video on Atlantic magazine’s website, this is so cool!
gorgeous video of your dear puddy tat and you. I keep coming back to watch it again. sweet!
Piggyback bike rides, for cats?! Puuurrrrrecious!
get MJ a watermelon helmet!
How did this start? And how do you do it, do you get on your bike and MJ hops on up on his own accord?
That’s so cool
Dream Team
Cat’s cute, neighbourhood’s cute
Wildcat by Ratatat
hey!!!!! where’s the cats helmet??
whats the song???
man your cat is amazing
Also, stop projecting your cowardice and accept that the world isn’t as dangerous as you so obviously believe. Not everything or everyone is a terrified, precious flower that needs to be wrapped in cotton wool and protected from imaginary threats..
Nice Rudi… you deserve my respect. hi5
and Freddie LOVED cats!
Oh I am cut to the core by your infantile insults.
If returning to childhood is your only response when corrected I suggest you stay inside as life might prove a little daunting for such a fragile ego as yours so obviously is.
3:58 the cat kissing the,cute