Watch this crazy cat video compilation, these are some of the best cat videos you’ll ever see. This will definitely make you laugh, check it out and enjoy!
This is what I would call a catatonic kitty! This funny cat is perfectly healthy and not on drugs, but appears to be catching some serious ZZZ’s!!
Watch this amazing video of “MJ” the cat and his owner riding around the streets of Philadelphia together on his bike. I can’t even get my cat to sit still while I’m taking him for a car ride… so this seems pretty incredible!
Yes… even kitties love yoga! Check out this cute video of “Shorty” the cat demonstrating his yoga routine in this instructional video. Music is a sound clip called Sanskrit bundled with the iMovie program.
Watch this hilarious kitty video! This persistent kitty is not going to give up too easily… he’s not going to stop until he conquers his next victim.
This is one of my favorite Kitty Song Videos, it will stick in your head for days! Hey Little Kit, Kitty… LOL!
“Boo” the cat has developed a system to wake up his owner, I call it the cat wake-up call. If this doesn’t scare you out of the bed in the morning, then I don’t know what will!
Amazing!! Watch “Nora” the piano playing cat at it once again tickling the ivories! This is even better than Nora’s original video… I guess practice does make purr-fect!
Check out these two talking cat’s running a con on their owner… sounds like a treat scam to me?
This is the cutest kitty video in the world! Tickle Kitty is Surprised… ”You Look Like A Little Monkey!” I love it… LOL
This video is hilarious! I don’t think that my kitties would sit still long enough to let me wrap them up like a Christmas present… let alone put a bow on top of their heads, LOL!