Watch this hilarious cat and dog video montage. These are some of the funniest videos I’ve ever seen, check it out for yourself! Enjoy
Uploaded by Velita Livingston on October 28, 2012 at 2:03 pm
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Watch this hilarious cat and dog video montage. These are some of the funniest videos I’ve ever seen, check it out for yourself! Enjoy
spider cat!
latreuo tis gates
Liked that. Ta.
3:5o Winni the pooh!
0:01 Cat’s also know how to parkour?
and check you messages.
3:57 shut the fuck up human, i’m medititaing.
2:25 xD Muhahahaaaa
2:41 is just beer and NOT funny…
That’s what I was thinking
I don’t the guy kicking the cat out of the way. Wrecks the compilation
Cats i loved the one where looks at u and falls asleep
some of these videos are just animal abuse.
that 3.39 cat is so obese it can’t even clean itself properly, shame on those who over feed him/her!!
0.47 ….mutherfucker man for kicking cat!
Hab ich auch gedacht als ich des gesehn hab. son wixxer -.-
3:30 fata** lol
ein HURENSOHN der die katze gekickt hat so würd ich gern mal mit dir umgehen !!!!!
Ab 3:40 – 3:57
Was ist des für ein Lied, ich kenne die Melodie aber was ist der deutsche Text dazu und woher kommt das Lied (Sendung?)
hardcore parcore cat lol
These dogs and cats are just wacky to be sure.
3:27 my mom
5:20 you are too dumb ! now go !
Spidercats between us!XDD
3:35 1:00 1:7 1:28 so angry 1:44 poor sad dog 2:16 2:59 3:16 bunny dance 3:23 sick cat 3:30 no comment !!? 3:47 4:17 hahahahaha 4:44 dont miss with da cats 5:06 haahaahahah 5:59.7 6:29 wooo done :*
3:27 Puss it that you? Where are your boots and sword?
1:37 Animal abuse?
there is nothing wrong with going down like that i do it like that to
3:10 thats pathetic for the owners to let that dog get that fat!
5:54 the cat is stoned. XD
1.25 SHIT
3:22 OMFG!
OMG the second one is soooooooooooooo cute”! he just falls asleep like POOF xoxoxoxox
0:23 wtf, ninja cat
Oh Gott der Sketch ab 2:26 D LOL XD
eh,what about garfield
here is a clue where you can find him: he lives in turkey
3:33 Wow were do i get such a fluffy balloon