This dynamic duo definitely hate this evil treadmill. They’re going to get to the bottom of this mysterious creature once and for all. Watch these two investigators uncover the secrets of the evil treadmill!
Check out this hilarious babbling cat! I wonder what he’s trying to tell us, I guess we’ll never know (unless there’s a translator who can translate kitty cat babble)!?
Watch this struggle of a cute kitten who takes on this very large doberman! That big set of teeth look pretty scary… but it doesn’t stop this tiny fearless kitten.
Watch this amazing video of “MJ” the cat and his owner riding around the streets of Philadelphia together on his bike. I can’t even get my cat to sit still while I’m taking him for a car ride… so this seems pretty incredible!
The infamous Maru the cat… in the best of Maru 2011! This is a video compilation of Maru’s best highlights from 2011, check it out and enjoy!
This is an amazing video showing an IKEA in Wembley, UK that released 100 cats to roam freely throughout their store. They are celebrating the new IKEA catalogue that will be a feline friendly Cat-alogue, you can watch the finished commercial at Happy Inside – IKEA Cats Advert.
Watch N2 the Talking Cat in his latest “Super Hero Cat” music video. This song will stick in your head and you’ll catch yourself humming it all day! I’m a Super Hero Cat, coming to the rescue… LOL! Visit N2′s official site at
We love Maru the cat… and this video compilation reminds us just why we do! This is some of the best Maru videos of 2010, watch and enjoy!
This funny kitten appears to be giving us the raspberry. Apparently, this kitty still likes to suckle, but forgot he doesn’t actually have anything in his mouth… too funny!!
Check out this hungry kitty who demands his dinner now. I love the look on his face after he scratches the empty bowl and looks up, it’s like he’s saying “What are you waiting for… get this bowl filled pronto!!”
Watch this cute kitten video! These little kittens are riding on the Roomba Robot Vacuum “kitten” transportation system. It makes frequent drops to let passengers off, but they can’t seem to get back on… LOL!
Check out this amazing cat video. This kitty definitely keeps his eye on the ball and never misses. See if you can keep your eye on the ball!?